Monday, April 11, 2011


I was writing yesterday about trust. How can someone be whole-hearted and trust when we have been pushed back, told that we must be grateful, and told to be polite and conform, molded into societal clay? If we speak up we got told to be quiet. We need a hand up, how can we learn about what we really think? How can we form ideas? If we have been raped (which is a crime of violence) or neglected, or intimidated in any way, we have fear that is written all over our countenance because of how we are treated. Trust is built on acceptance, vulnerability presupposes trust, and many of us have not been accepted. So to be vulnerable, one must trust their family, peers, or other adults, and if we are told that we can never measure up, and that everyone is doing us a favor, and that we should be grateful, how do we develop the kind of concept we need to develop? When we are premature, and were not nurtured during the first two months of life, we miss the affection connection, the touch? If anyone has studied the cloth monkeys vs. the iron monkeys, you can see what happens if you don't have another human loving us instead of being in an isolette or incubator. Any thoughts? Thanks. Koraling Lynneदेसिड़े व्हेन तो दिस्क्लोसे और नोट दिस्क्लोसे पेनफुल सुब्जेक्ट्स? इस तेरे अ टाइम व्हेनOkay, hope I can send this? व


Unknown said...

Congrats on your new Blog. I am listening to you on Shannyn Moore's radio show! I am going to bookmark you!

Tea N. Crumpet said...

I do like what you have to say, Koraling. I am glad that you reject being molded into good societal clay. :)

Unknown said...

I appreciate you writing, Kelly, and hope I spelled your name correctly. Right now, I need to earn money with the skills I have as an expert in web accessibility as a user, and also on a workshop I conduct entitled "interdependence vs. independence"

Unknown said...

Tom, thanks so much for linking me, and I hope you find stis blog stimulating. Thanks for the congratulations.