Sunday, April 10, 2011


It is Saturday again, on the 16 of April, and still listening to the repeat of last Saturday's program. It's been a week since posting my first post, and is it not "professional" enough? Chris Gray, former President of American Council of the Blind has ten blogs on, his company or business. Still thinking about closeness versus pushing people way metaphorically or literally. Last week, I said this: I was just listening to a program that i have access to on the internet from a Chicago radio station which is unique in that they are non-profit and they only read advertising or commercials that they themselves read. They are classical, vocal music as well, and also folk music on Saturday nights.
Do we all have demons? Do we shut them off with overeating, addictions, whether to movies, eating, drinking, drugs, sleeping, depression, whatever our mode of coping is? We have so much labelling obsessive/compulsive disorder, and we give drugs for problems that are built of isolation, loneliness and being dis-connected. I mention this because it was about 36 years ago since Phil Ochs hung himself, a noted protest folk singer of the 1960's. He wrote such wonderful songs as "Cops of the World" and "Outside of a Small Circle of Friends" about the Kitty Genovese case (not sure of the spelling any more) because I had to write a story when I was about thirteen about public apathy which that represented. People locked their doors and everyone thought the next person would help when she was being strangled or raped or killed. Was it a comment on our society that no one cared about and for each other any more? The folk music show had just gone to a screening to a film about Phil Ochs, so they were discussing how he died too soon. Again, Phil Ochs, a 1960's folk singer committed suicide April 9, 1976, and I went to his five-hour tribute concert, and I remember it was a night can't remember when but Oscar Brand, Melanie, Sonny Terry and brownie McGee and Happy Traum and so many ohters in New York were there, and I was expressing milk for my baby, and I was leaking, not because I was expressing milk at the time, but I was leaking because he was still being breast-fed. What a waste. What would Phil think today? He could not take that things were a little dormant in the mid-1970's, the Vietnam war was over, he was divorced, and he hung himself. How sad. My husband said he is too much a coward to do it. I do understand that if you have enough pain, there is a possible reason for it. Phil hung himself, I believe. He did not know how many people he affected, and how mny people really really cared about him. When I feel as a disabled person as if I'm a throw-away or out of the mainstream and stagnant and fetid, I have to remind myself not to feel panicked, and know I have so much to share with others. I have degrees in social work (industrial social work) and public administration (policy analysis). I would rather be an optimist, but that is hard sometimes. So, demons and vulnerability. I have a passion for providing training on interpersonal violence, addiction and disability. There is so much addiction in the disability community. People are afraid of us, or they think we are possessing magical powers. Thanks for reading. Koraling Lynne Are labels educational or do they put us into boxes? Koraling Lynne

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