Saturday, April 9, 2011


I believe we should work together whenever we can as disabled people, or if we see commonalities with poor people, or any other grouping of people. If wesee that our issues align, whether it be with whoever, and not label, then we should reac out our hands and join together. I was able to join with other Independent Living Centers in 2002 when we worked on our accessible voting bill for Alaska. We worked with legislative staffers, the Division of Elections, voting machine manufactureres, and other interested people to get the bill passed unanimously by Alaska's House and Senate. HB 320 and SB 258 with Representative Joe Green and Senator Loren Leman was where everyone could agree about privacy and accessibility of voting machines. However, times change, and we did not realize the problems with verifiability and replicability and redundancy which is so important in computer systems as I learned in a class entitled Information Technology for Public Administrators. Thanks. Koraling Lynne

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