Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Interesting Observations

I'd rather be a dispassionate observer than I was when I react and I am passionate and a non-conformist. To be the observer is good. Change is so important, and yet we resist it? We plant our feet and drag our feet. If we don't change, it will leave us behind and change us anyway. Experience will change us. I get so inspired by new ideas and thinking and process with Leadership Anchorage. I have not gone to a graduation in a while, and I saw James Kirkland, the great person from the VA Health Center, and Deanna, (I hope I spelled her name right) from Kenya who was in policy with me, and who just graduated, and she thinks I am so skilled. Harry Need was there, because his wife was in this class. I also was happy to listen to the Lieutenant Governor, who was live and in person, which was pretty cool. Jim came up to me twice, and he said it was nice to hear from me. All of the projects I knew something about including the Immigration Justice Project, the Spenard Farmers' Market establishing access to people with food needs for women, infants and children, seniors and food stamp recipients. A volunteer Center was another idea, which was great. I cannot remember the other project, but those three were really exciting. what did I miss? Koraling Lynne